Efficient Cooking Alternatives

The Trust introduced home-based biogas systems to families who used to rely on forest firewood for
cooking. These are simple-to-install user friendly bio-digesters fed on cow dung which is fermented to
produce safe cooking gas. They produce pure, odorless, clean and harmless gas which burns using the
normal gas stove. A family with one cow can produce, use or store their own cooking gas.

The users can access them on a highly subsidized price, including free installation and monitoring. So far, 72
biogas units have been installed and the demand is still high. The Trust has set up a revolving fund
where the recipients pay back in instalments which are used to purchase more units for other
households. For the households which cannot afford the bio-digesters, the Trust has donated energy
saving Jikos, whereby over 2000 units have been issued by June 2019.